by hazinah | Feb 24, 2020 | Community, CyberSafety, FC Activities, News from around the globe
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by hazinah | Sep 7, 2017 | CyberSafety, FC Community, IASRG
UTM-CSM X Lab is the second leg in the Education Series for Johor. With the theme “Smart Cities: Security and Data Driven Planning”, this year’s event will feature a 4-slot seminar session , followed by two parallel workshops. The event will be held...
by hazinah | Aug 30, 2017 | Community, CyberSafety, IASRG, Other
In a backlash from unhappy people due to the mistake made in printing of the Indonesian flag in the SEA Games souvenir magazine, a bunch of hackers from Indonesia called “Anak Bawang Cyber” decided to deface websites owned by institutions in Malaysia....
by hazinah | May 8, 2017 | Community, CyberSafety
Parents and teachers are cautioned that there are drugs that are made or packaged to look like candy. Our innocent kids may be exposed to this unknowingly, and it is best to be vigilant. Please educate your kids, students, neighbors, and friends about this. Knowledge...
by hazinah | Apr 23, 2017 | Community, CyberSafety, Living
Last Friday (21 April 2017) I got the opportunity to give a short talk on cybersafety to the teachers and parents who were attending the PTA meeting at Sekolah Menengah Islam Hidayah (SMIH) Johor. This is part of our (IASRG) community outreach to spread the good, the...
by hazinah | Apr 20, 2017 | Community, CyberSafety, IASRG, Other
Here are some tips for parents in dealing with their kids and the Internet. Learn with your kids. It is good for your kids to explore, but when it comes to the Internet, it is best that the exploration is somewhat guided or at least monitored. The age of your child...