Merdeka and my mother

August 31 is Malaysia’s Independence Day. Merdeka! This is the month that reminds me of my mother, as she was born in August (the 18th) and the fact that she insists on hanging up the flags every August. End of July she would have start asking us to put up the...

Cybersafety talk at SMIH

Last Friday (21 April 2017) I got the opportunity to give a short talk on cybersafety to the teachers and parents who were attending the PTA meeting at Sekolah Menengah Islam Hidayah (SMIH) Johor. This is part of our (IASRG) community outreach to spread the good, the...

You, your kids and the Internet pt3

Earlier parts: Part 1 and part 2. As discussed previously, the Internet is not bad but Internet misuse is giving a lot of negative results. Parents should talk to their kids about the perils of Internet. You can use this as a guide. It is easy to create a false...

You, your kids and the Internet pt2

In part 1, we discussed some facts about tech and also your kids. Part 1 can be found here. I recently sat through a video presentation given by RSA Security from one of their yearly conferences. In it, Lance Spitzner, of SANS, mentioned that the top 3 threats  for...

My first run

Yesterday (Thursday, 1 December 2016), on the urging of my good friend, I ran my first ‘run’. This is part of the Run for Fund program which is helping the Islamic School in UTM find funds. It is a 5km run, at night, with the track covering Kolej 9,...