by hazinah | Sep 26, 2016 | Community, Computer Security, Other, Student Life Skills
Social Media is the epitome of the digital community. It is easy, it is available, it is fast. It is also notoriously unsafe. Find tips on how to stay safe in social media below. Click on the link for more info. Source: Staying safe online: Social Media – mzmeddler...
by hazinah | Sep 21, 2016 | Community, Motivation and Faith, Other, Student Life Skills
Gratitude is something many of us overlook. When saying “thank you” is no more a norm, that is when we should be really worried for our society, both current and future. [su_pullquote align=”right”]“Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet...
by hazinah | Sep 19, 2016 | FC Academics, Final Year Project, PSM, Student Life Skills, Teaching
Your FYP project supervisor (SV) is there to help you move forward positively. SVs are not magicians nor are they clairvoyants. SVs rely on your updates during meetings to know your project and your mental status. Depending on these updates, they can then decide the...
by hazinah | Sep 19, 2016 | FC Academics, Final Year Project, PSM, Student Life Skills, Teaching
Most students leave writing their project report until AFTER they finish coding and developing. This is not a good move as : 1 – You NEVER really do finish developing as there is always some small things to tweak and correct. 2- Unless you are an excellent...
by hazinah | Sep 13, 2016 | FC Academics, Final Year Project, MyClass, Other, PSM, Student Life Skills
Create a good Gantt chart that reflects the process you need to do, the time frame to complete it and the milestones (or deliverables). A good Gantt chart will help you plan your work, especially when you are carrying a load of 13-16 credits that semester. Always...
by hazinah | Sep 7, 2016 | Final Year Project, MyClass, Other, PSM, Student Life Skills, Teaching
Time is an asset that we all the same of,although some people seem to have more. How can that be? Answer: Time Management. The better we manage our time, the more we seem to have it – more gets done, there is even time for relaxation! For a student, time...