by hazinah | Oct 11, 2023 | Calendars, Other, Slider
Please use this to make appointments before meetings. jadual hazinah sem12324Download
by hazinah | Apr 19, 2022 | FC Academics, FC Community
This is the summary of the tasks associated with the Academic Office staff of SC as a reference for lecturers and students. Helpful to ensure your needs and issues are handled more efficiently.
by hazinah | Mar 11, 2021 | Class Aid, FC Academics, Teaching, Web Sharing
How to set restriction in e-learning. Suppose we want a certain activity (let us call it ACT1) to be completed by students before they can start on a new one (ACT2). How do we set this? Here are simple steps to do so. How-to-set-restriction-in-elearningDownload GOOD...
by hazinah | Oct 20, 2020 | Calendars, Final Year Project, Other, PSM
Here are the PSM Calendar brief for this semester.
by hazinah | Apr 5, 2020 | Class Aid, Computer Network, FC Community, Web Sharing
Here are the slides to my sharing session, where I share my experiences in conducting an explorace for my class as an assignment. As my course is Computer Networks, the race is aptly titled NetXplorace. It has been going on for a few years, but due to the COVID-19...
by hazinah | Feb 24, 2020 | Community, CyberSafety, FC Activities, News from around the globe
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