Lecturer Teaching Evaluation: Pt1

Lecturer Teaching Evaluation (LTE) or Penilaian Pengajaran Pensyarah is an online based survey of sorts where students answer a range of questions to evaluate their lecturer’s teaching _______ (ability/effectiveness/kindness/failure/malleability) – fill in...

What is academia today?

I stumbled into these two images today and they spoke to me. Not literally but figuratively, and it spoke volumes. Image A (source )   This one spoke to me because of the ‘business’ that is education in our nation today. Students pay a lot, especially...

A new beginning

Today is the day where we in UTM welcome our new addition in the forms of undergraduate and postgraduate students. This day marks the first day of a more challenging and higher aspects of learning and education. Welcome and good luck! Proud parents flock eagerly for...