by hazinah | Sep 19, 2016 | FC Academics, Final Year Project, PSM, Student Life Skills, Teaching
Most students leave writing their project report until AFTER they finish coding and developing. This is not a good move as : 1 – You NEVER really do finish developing as there is always some small things to tweak and correct. 2- Unless you are an excellent...
by hazinah | Sep 15, 2016 | FC Academics, MyClass, Other, Teaching
Why do these kids become jokers and hecklers in class in the first place? I have some theories. This is a continuing discussion from how to handle jokers in class. They crave attention Any form of attention, be it positive or negative. They want to be heard or seen by...
by hazinah | Sep 15, 2016 | FC Academics, MyClass, Other, Teaching
Every class has its share of jokers. Some are really funny but unfortunately most aren’t. When they just call out ‘what-they-think-is funny’ quips, I call them hecklers, not jokers. [su_pullquote]The jokers affect the classroom environment in both...
by hazinah | Sep 13, 2016 | FC Academics, Final Year Project, Other, PSM
Here are some important dates for the students (and their SVs) doing their Final Year Projects. Strict adherence to these dates is advised. Work smart and good luck!
by hazinah | Sep 13, 2016 | FC Academics, Final Year Project, MyClass, Other, PSM, Student Life Skills
Create a good Gantt chart that reflects the process you need to do, the time frame to complete it and the milestones (or deliverables). A good Gantt chart will help you plan your work, especially when you are carrying a load of 13-16 credits that semester. Always...
by hazinah | Sep 8, 2016 | FC Academics, Final Year Project, MyClass, PSM
Remember the more specific example we introduced in Part 1? Here it is again, to ease further discussion. OS : To study existing systems that uses RFID to collect attendance for features and characteristics. As the previous example, this objective has its elements...