by hazinah | Feb 24, 2020 | Community, CyberSafety, FC Activities, News from around the globe
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by hazinah | Aug 30, 2017 | News from around the globe, Student Life Skills
Sukan SEA 2017 berlangsung dari 19 sehingga 30 Ogos 2017 dengan Malaysia sebagai tuan rumah. Saya tumpang berbangga dengan pencapaian atlet dari UTM serta sumbangan pingat untuk negara. Tahniah buat atlet-atlet berikut atas pencapaian anda. Semoga semakin maju di masa...
by hazinah | Apr 9, 2017 | Community, IASRG, Living, News from around the globe
The Kongsi Berita app is an app to verify the genuineness of a message. People receive viral messages everyday, be it texts, images or even video. This app is focused on combating these fake viral news that do tend to cloud and impair judgement when not verified...
by hazinah | Feb 15, 2017 | Computer Security, News from around the globe, Other
This video highlights some of the vulnerabilities exploited by a team of ‘white-hat hackers’ to get into and get control of an organization or even a power grid. While some may say that these are experts and this is what they do, take note that it is NOT...
by hazinah | Feb 13, 2017 | News from around the globe, Student Life Skills
If you are interested to travel and experience study abroad, don’t miss the UTM Study Abroad Fair (SAF), 14 to 15 February 2017 at Dewan Bankuet, Bangunan Canseleri Sultan Ibrahim, UTM Johor Bahru. UTM Study Abroad Fair (SAF) is an education fair especially for...
by hazinah | Feb 2, 2017 | Computer Security, News from around the globe, Other
A study done by Javelin Strategy and Research in the US showed a significant increase in the numberĀ of people who became victims of identity theft. A 16% percent increase from 13.1 million in 2015 to 15.4 million in 2016. That is in MILLIONS. While the study was...