Computer Forensics Groups

The second week had my students in class presenting their first assignment. I was quite impressed by their thinking and ‘criminal minds’ (though I strongly hope it is for this class only). I wanted them to think like a criminal and find me 2 million...

PSM1 Library Skills class

I have managed to get Library Skills class session for you with the help of Sultanah Zanariah Library UTM. Please find your appropriate session and be there early and ready. The sessions are on Tuesdays, from 8.00 am to 10.00am. Here is the grouping for the class....

Introduction to PSM1

This is a first on a series of documents on PSM1. The rest will be added accordingly. Loading... Taking too long? Reload document | Open in new tab Download Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5...

Cyber Security Safety Tips

Here are some safety tips. Some are adapted from an article by Ginger Hill of Security Today, while others are just from experience (and good thinking). Cyber-bullied If you were ever bullied (physically or in cyberspace), you know it hurts. But you do not have to...

Bila anda dimarahi Bos

Siri Mesej Integriti kali ini ingin berkongsi dengan semua warga UTM berkenaan cara menangani bos yang dirasakan suka maki hamun dan menjerit pada staf. Pernah tak anda semua menghadapi perkara sebegini? Masuk sahaja ke pejabat pasti ada sahaja keadaan yang mana kita...