Allah’s Amazing Grace

I want to share an experience that humbled me and left my heart filled with love and gratitude for Allah, The All-Compassionate, the All-Mighty. Recently  I attended a family wedding affair. It was my cousin’s daughter getting hitched. We drove there together,...

Assg1 Outcome

These are some of the submission from Assignment 1, where the students are tasked to view Computer Security from different aspects. What I like: You guys made a good effort on a field that is relevantly new to you, and on views which are not yours (I understand none...

SCSR3413: Assignment 2

This assignment aims to tackle a few different objectives. gathering, analyzing information from various sources (LL) presenting information in a simple, interesting and  creative way teamwork build understanding on the state of security in the nation (and the world)...

M1: Computer Security Principles

An overview on the principles of computer security. Computer Security is the protection afforded to an automated information system in order to attain the applicable objectives of preserving the integrity, availability and confidentiality of information system...

Class Clown

Why do these kids become jokers and hecklers in class in the first place? I have some theories. This is a continuing discussion from how to handle jokers in class. They crave attention Any form of attention, be it positive or negative. They want to be heard or seen by...

Handling Class Jokers

Every class has its share of jokers. Some are really funny but unfortunately most aren’t. When they just call out ‘what-they-think-is funny’ quips, I call them hecklers, not jokers. [su_pullquote]The jokers affect the classroom environment in both...