IASRG: The web security course

IASRG: The web security course

In a backlash from unhappy people due to the mistake made in printing of the Indonesian flag in the SEA Games souvenir magazine, a bunch of hackers from Indonesia called “Anak Bawang Cyber” decided to deface websites owned by institutions in Malaysia....
Arduino Training Level 1

Arduino Training Level 1

Level 1 Arduino Training for you. We also provide a special session for schools (given 25-30 participants).   IASRG Training helps you get your edge in the cyber security race. We are your partners in cyber security.
IASRG: The web security course

IASRG Web Security Training

IASRG Training is planning a 2-day Web Security Training. Come join us. IASRG Training helps you get your edge in the cyber security race. We are your partners in cyber security.
IASRG Training logo

IASRG Training logo

IASRG Training helps you get your edge in the cyber security race. We are your partners in cyber security.  

Penasihat Akademik: Ciri-ciri

Berikut adalah ciri-ciri PA yang diingini: Pengetahuan dan Kualiti Penasihatan Pengetahuan berkaitan peraturan akademik universiti Pengetahuan tentang perancangan dan keperluan program pengajian mahasiswa Pemantauan terhadap perkembangan mahasiswa terhadap kemajuan...

Arduino Class

Learning is a lifelong process. It is never ending, as long as there are new knowledge unfolded, new frontiers explored and as long as you are still breathing. I got an opportunity to join a class on Arduino recently (20/8/2017). I was so happy and excited. Like a kid...