Selesai tanggungjawab menyampaikan amanat pihak pengurusan tertinggi UTM kepada staf pentadbiran. Sasaran KAI 2019 telah dikongsikan dan juga beberapa matlamat inovasi baru telah dipersetujui, diikrar dan dipateri bersama untuk dijayakan secara kolektif.


City of the rising sun…Tokyo!

Had a blast for the year end holiday. Previously  Azman Hahsim International Business School had a collaboration with Chiba University of Commerce (CUC) Japan in organizing a conference. I was newly joined AHIBS back then.

Tokyo is quite a distance from  CUC, and i dont have any intention going there anyway, maybe some other time.

I stayed in Ueno, a very convenient town for a traveller like me. Many tourist attractions are available here such as Ueno Zoo, Ueno Park — people flock here during the cherry blossom season, Ameyoko market, Kappabashi Streest etc. Halal food is easy to find unlike ten years ago when i came to TOkyo with my friends for GOP.

farewell for a friend

Hazrul is an excellent member of our administrative team. With a heavy heart, we let him go to transfer to another department. All the best Hazrul!

I also presented my personal and humble birthday gifts and wishes to jun-Dec babies. May Allah grants all of us His utmost mercy till paradise.

Hazrul, Din, Aina, Shima, Linda, Kak Ema, Kak Ida, Shima, Khairul and Syahir.




Drawing the curtain of 2018 AHIBS way…

It was purple and red shower at AHIBS this week. AHIBS Excellence Awards 2018 was held at AHIBS KL and JB on 3rd and 5th December respectively to celebrate our high-performing staff who have been giving their continuous dedication and loves toward their work.

Special appreciation to Dean Prof. Nur Naha Abu Mansor for her full support, Deputy Dean Research, Dr. Suresh Ramakrishnan and Deputy Registrar, Datin Huzaimah Yahya and their teams for organizing the beautiful events.

Congratulations to all. May this success motivate us to deliver the best to AHIBS and UTM. Stronger together!

Got my award too — Excellence Performance Award.

TQ AHIBS for the appreciation!



Having great time in synergized mode.

JB and KL team immersed in strategic planning round table for a great leap ahead!

Start again

Yup, here i am.

Blogging again.

Previously i had one. But drop it off in some bushes. Tsk!

Who i am? Here i am.