Visit to the School of Geography and Environmental Science, Dundee University as a Global Scholar from 15 Aug to 16 Sep 2022. The 4 weeks visit was very fruitful. The programme funded by the INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL SCIENCES RESEARCH (ISSR) resulted not only in knowledge exchange between Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and Dundee University, but also research and other academic collaborations. Four weeks was too short to produce any tangible outcomes from the visit however, it led to many initiations for potential students and staff exchange between UTM and Dundee University, research collaborations among UTM, Dundee and Oxford University, journal article publication, and postgraduate student supervision.
Lecture on “Social and Environmental Sustainability of Palm Oil Industry in Malaysia” on the 30th Aug 2022
Seminar on the 13th Sep 2002

dinner with one of the co-directors of the Institute for Social Sciences Research (ISSR) Global Scholar Programme, Prof. Judith Sixsmith
Potential research collaboration with Prof. Lorraine Van Blerk (Human Geographer)
Field trip on 31st Aug 2022 to Tentsmuir Nature reserve which is located at the most easterly point of Fife Council, at the mouth of the Tay estuary
Discussion with Dr. Alistair on potential students and staff exchange between Dundee University (Geography) and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Visit to Dundee satellite station Ltd (a commercial ground station), operating from the former RAF Errol airfield in Scotland
Delivered a talk and had a discussion with Prof. Yadvinder Malhi and his postgraduate students at Oxford University
Interaction with the dean of the School of Humanities, Social sciences and Law
Interaction with other members of the Department of Energy, Environment and Society