International Meeting on Land Cover / Land Use Changes (LCLUC) in South / Southeast Asia (SARI 2019)

UTM is the local organiser for the International Meeting on Land Cover / Land Use Changes (LCLUC) in South / Southeast Asia (SARI 2019), which will be held on 20-27 July 2019 in Johor Bahru. The purpose of this international meeting is to provide a forum to discuss on LCLUC and its impacts, with a regional focus on South and Southeast Asian countries. The aim is to review the availability, potential and limitations of different data sources and methodologies for the monitoring, and study of LCLUC, and quantification of its impact on the environment.
The event is consists of a two day field visit, three days of science meeting (presentation and discussion of research outcomes) and three days of training:
  • Field visit: 20-21 July 2019
  • Meeting: 22-24 July 2019
  • Training: 25-27 July 2019