Decommissioning of Offshore Platform – Royal Academy project

Alhamdulillah, syukur semuanya selesai dengan jayanya. Terima kasih pihak sekretariat dan penganjur.
Peserta dari:
1. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor.
2.Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Perak.
3. NUiS, Singapore.
4. VPU, Vietnam.
5. ,Thailand.

Day 1 at Seri Pacific Hotel
From left : Assoc Prof Dr Amila (UTP), Charlie (RAE, London), Dr Huyen (Vietnam), Dr Sari,
Anis (UTP), Prof Dr Omar Y. (UTM), Sarah (UTP),
Rakesh (Bangladesh), me (Dr Amirul – UTM), Dr Nik Ridzuan (UTM),
Taylor Larson (Liverpool, LJMU)…
Introduction session by Prof Dr Omar Yaakob (Project Leader)
With colleague, Dr Nik – Programme Coordinator for Bachelor Degree of Naval Architecture UTM
With Vice Rector, PetroVietnam University. Dr Sy.
With Dr Arun Newcastle University, Singapore
with Charlie Fenn from Roya Academy London