Jurnal Sains Humanika

The Regular Issue of Sains Humanika Vol. 12 No. 2 May is now published online: (https://sainshumanika.utm.my/index.php/sainshumanika/issue/view/91). Sains Humanika aims to publish high quality peer-reviewed research articles in the fields of Education, Islamic...


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Non-response is a major challenge facing studies using survey as a method of data collection. Barriball and While (1999) recommend that researchers should conduct a non-response bias analysis regardless of how high or how low the response rate is achieved. The most...


Multicollinearity is a situation where explanatory variables are highly correlated. It is important to check multicollinearity problem for continuous and dummy variables before running the model. According to Tabachnick and Fidell (2012), multicollinearity refers to a...


Homoscedasticity is the postulation of normality connected with the idea that endogenous constructs demonstrate an equivalent variance across the number of exogenous variables. Heteroscedasticity is triggered through failing the normality test at some level in...


Checking the normality of the data is necessary before using some multivariate analysis techniques include regression analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM) Statistical tests: Skewness & Kurtosis Skewness measures the extent of distribution asymmetry....


Two objectives of the literature review: (1)   To emphasize the latest perspectives on the subject (2)  To highlight key theoretical frameworks to support the current study   Reference: Curtis, W., Murphy, M., & Shields, S. (2013). Research and...

Thematic Analysis

What is thematic analysis? The thematic analysis approach is used to coding process of data from interview. We can use QSR NVivo software to assist us with this thematic analysis. According to Clarke and Braun (2013), it consists of 6 phases: Transcription of verbal...

Thesis Title

1.5.1 Thesis Title i. Thesis title should be a concise description of the main focus and contribution of the research. It should not contain more than 15 words excluding grammatical words such as articles, conjunction and prepositions. ii. To avoid redundancy, titles...

Systematic Literature Review

What is a Systematic Literature Review? a procedure to identify, assess, interpret and synthesis all existing studies with the intention to provide answers for specific research. an instrument to review existing studies with focus on responding the research question...

Definition of Terms

Example:   Demographic Background Conceptual Definition : The general information of student in HEIs Operational Definition : Demographic background in this research refers to gender, age, race, religion, daily use of internet and current semester.

Main Objective vs Specific Objectives

Main Objective Example: To examine  a hypothesised model that .......as.....framework.....to show the relation and moderating effects of..... and ....... in the context of........   Specific Objectives: i.  To investigate...........   ii....

Mediation Analysis

References: SPSS and SAS Procedures for Estimating Indirect Effects in Simple Mediation Models 36(4), 717-731 (by Preacher, K.J. & Hayes, A.F. (2004)) Journal: Behavior Research Methods   Asymptotic and Resampling Strategies for Assessing and Comparing...


Studying with a handheld computer, a mobile phone or a laptop with wireless connection, is no longer science fiction but the crackling and innovative reality that the latest technological advances have brought....