Noorminshah owns the role of a ‘Diplomat’ and the strategy of ‘People Mastery’ based on a personal profiling conducted in the year 2021 as a participant of the UTM Deans Course.She is the academic staff at the Information Systems department, UTM to obtain a PhD degree at the youngest age of 31 years old in 2008.
She is experienced in teaching Information Systems related courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level. She is also a PhD research supervisor for students from different countries including Malaysia, Nigeria, Iran, Saudi, Sudan, Yemen and China. A coach and mentor for students who always remind them of the ‘Never Quit’ and ‘Think Big’ spirit.
She has also been awarded various research grants at university and national level.She has gained seven years of experience in leading a software development team at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia with five Systems Analysts and twenty programmers applying the agile system development method. A team player and always strive to inspire the team to contribute the very best that they can and never stop learning.
I can be reached through email minshah@utm.my. Feel free to visit my Google Scholar, ORCID and LinkedIn profiles:
Educational Background
BSc (Hons) Information Technology (Management)
Universiti Malaya
Asasi Sains Hayat (Biological Sciences Foundation Study)
Universiti Malaya
My Research Interests
Gamification and Behaviour Design
I am currently in love with the area of Gamification specifically in the area of Digital Health and Learning. Current projects on Gamification is on developing guidelines for engaging students in learning programming and developing the design of mobile apps for anti sedentary behaviour. Both studies are applying the Design Science methodology
Digital Transformation Technologies
One of my current interests is exploring how Digital Technologies transform organisations. As a coordinator of the Course Digital Transformation Technologies, I look forward to collaborate with industry players for possible collaboration and development of micro credentials for professional development courses.
Business Analytics
Business Analytics is one of my latest exploration and area of interest. In specific, I am working towards the Tableau certification. In addition, I am in the process of re-learning Social Network Analysis which I have used as the analysis method for my PhD thesis. That time the software which I used was UCINET. I am currently learning the NodeXL software.