Category Archives: Other

Sesi Pertemuan Naib Canselor Bersama Staf Akademik Berumur 45 Tahun & ke Bawah

Take home message and FOR ME TO ACT ON!:

  1. Kita (yang berumur 45 dan ke bawah) penggerak Phase III : UTM Global Plan 2018-2020. Teruskan!
  2. Dah beli buku Amanat Tahun Baru NC tu ke belum? Dah beli, belum sempat baca. Inshaa ALLAH akan mula baca.
  3. Dapatkan, download ‘buku merah tuu’ aka Playbook Phase III : UTM Plan Global 2018-2020 & enVision UTM 2025
  4. Remember UTM Core Values : Remember this Acronym ISES. What does ISES stands for? 

 All in stand is..just do the best, STRATEGIZE, SYNERGIZE & ENJOY!


Perhimpunan Bulanan Bersama NC Mac 2018

Tarikh: 6 Mac 2018
Masa : 8.15 pagi
Tempat : Dewan Sultan Iskandar, UTM Skudai
Main attractions are:
  1. Launching of the UTM Smart Mobile App
  2. Boost Mobile App online payment using QR Code for Digital Campus.
Candid pic by UTM Official Photographer
Outside of DSI after the launching. Hahahah, tak dapat free RM8.00 credit from Boost sebab dah pernah register masa awal2 dulu Prof Sevia perkenalkan pada saya tentang BOOST.

Slaid pembentangan boleh di muat turun di sini.

Your Viva-Voce is Coming Soon? – Some Tips

This morning I attended a mock viva session of one of my PhD students whom I co-supervise with Dr Mahadi Bahari. While listening to the presentation, these things came into my mind…

Each PhD student has a very different, very unique journey. Do not compare your journey with your fellow PhD researchers! NEVER!

These are some general tips that I would like to share:

  1. When the viva session comes, DO IT ALL OUT, DO IT THE BEST THAT YOU CAN. ENJOY IT because you have spent 3-5 (or more) years of your LIFE for it!
  2. Normally you are given time about 20 – 30 minutes for the presentation. Make the slides informative and attractive. Highlight the points, PLEASE!!! Do not full your slides with texts! Sell your idea, your contributions.
  3. During the day, make sure you and your supervisor bring the hard copy  of your thesis.
  4. Print slides for the panels, your supervisor and for yourself.
  5. Bring a notebook (paper) and pen to jot down the examiners comments.
  6. Yes, you should defend your thesis but do not be too defensive.

All the best!