My 9th PhD Graduate : Congratulations Dr Kayode Adenuga!

The different journeys…

Today I had a meeting with 4 of my PhD students.

First, Congratulations to Dr Kayode Adenuga, inshaa ALLAH he will be submitting his hard bound thesis next week after the Chinese New Year holidays. He completed his PhD thesis on time – in six semesters! Alhamdulillah. Not easy though, wife and children is in Nigeria all the way he is doing his PhD. Came all the way from Nigeria with NO sponsorship at all. Alhamdulillah, when he arrived here, applied for a scholarship from the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia and HE GOT IT!

I would say, Alhamdulillah, MOHE has invested to the right person. Dr Kayode Adenuga has been an active postgraduate student. Academic wise, he has published few indexed journal articles of which one of them is in a Q1 WOS journal. He has participated the 3-Minute Thesis Competition (as far as I can remember 2nd runner up at the faculty level). On other aspect, he was the President of Nigerian Student Society and has involved as committees of a few conferences held and oragnized by UTM Research units. One of them was


On another note, the other three students whom I met:

I have advised one of them to defer his study for this semester due to his work commitment (doing PhD part time)

Another one, will be reporting duty at the university that she is working at. It is the end of the full study leave. This will be a great challenge, but I believe she can manage inshaa ALLAH. We aim that she will complete her PhD by December 2018, inshaa ALLAH.

The third student, alhamdulillah completed his data collection. He has requested to travel back to his home country for his wife’s medical treatment. He has requested this since last semester but I have advised him to make sure that he complete his data collection. We aim that he will submit his thesis by end of August, inshaa ALLAH.

Difficult decisions have to be made from time to time while on the PhD journey, but hand on there. Make doa, ask from ALLAH. May ALLAH ease the journey.