PhD Progress Meeting

Today I had a meeting with Dr Norasnita (main Supervisor) and Lina for her PhD progress update.

Lina has graduated MSc IT Management at the School of Computing just last year. Oh Yes, her graduation ceremony was online! Congratulations Lina for receiving the Best Student Award during the ceremony. Alhamdulillah, great supervision from Dr Norasnita. She managed to publish a few publications from her MSc Dissertation.

Upon completing her studies, she started working at UTM Research Computing (UTM RC) as a Research Officer who is in charge of preparing documentation for systems developed by the UTM RC team.

Alhamdulillah, she got the offer to further her PhD studies last semester and managed to secure funding for her tuition fees. Now she is doing her PhD in proposing a Gamification Framework for Behaviour Change in E-Commerce.

Good progress so far. We aim that she will publish a SCOPUS indexed conference paper this semester before facing her proposal defense. All the best Lina!