PhD Progress Meeting with Irliana

PhD journey is different from one to other student. It is a unique experience.

Irliana did her MSc Computer Science by research under my supervision. I always admire her motivation, confidence and perseverance in her learning journey. She is working full time and studying part time AND she pays her tuition fees on her own. No funding at all. Masya-ALLAH.

Upon completing her Masters, she started her PhD journey with my mentor Asssoc. Prof Dr Azizah Abd Rahman. Hahaha..there was a question in mind in this supervisor’s head. “Why does she not register under my Supervision ehhh? Ahhh yes, I am not that good Supervisor probably”.

But, yeah. It is a student’s freedom to choose who she/he wants to be supervised. Afterall, Assoc Prof Dr Azizah is my mentor. No heart feeling gitu. Have you heard this phrase “Rezeki Tidak Salah Alamat”. It happened that Assoc Prof Dr Azizah decided to retire earlier than she should. Thus, masya-ALLAH, finally, Irliana was a ‘gift’ to me from Assoc Prof Dr Azizah, along with 2 other students.

The key is, accept anything with an open mind and open heart. Be confident with the rizq that ALLAH has and will grant to you. There will always be inner peace. 🙂

Going back to her PhD research journey, it was with many challenges. She was at a cross road at a certain point to either continue or quit due to the complexity of collecting data since the title she was proposing that time was still early in Malaysia, something related to Work from Home Moms. Oh yes, at that time it was rare. Now with the COVID 19 Pandemic, probably there is no more issue on data collection. The second challenge is gearing the topic for PhD in Information Systems. At that time, we saw, most issues were pressing from the expect of Human Resource Management rather than usage of Information Systems.

Alhamdulillah finally she decided to choose a new topic. No no, NEVER QUIT! This is always my advice to my students. Quiting is not the option after your hard work, after spending money for your tuition fees and precious time, your LIFE!.

Yesterday, when she presented her proposed model after about 5th revisions, I told her, ” Yes! Now you sound like a PhD student!” Alhamdulillah I am proud that she has achieved to that level of thinking – the ability to synthesise and justify her work. I always tell my students that I am a bit fussy when it comes to the model development. It is better for you to revise as many as 10 times, do it right first. Then insya-ALLAH your data collection will be smooth.

Insya-ALLAH, may ALLAH ease her the remaining journey. ALL THE BEST Irliana!