Tag Archives: student

Sam Song and his Masters Thesis : Finally done!

I can still remember we met at the Knowledge Management Lab at Level 4, N28, School of Computing.

That time,  Sam eagerly explained to me about his passion about diet and food.  Interestingly, it is not diet for losing weight which we normally do.  But it is about motivating people to have appetite to eat! This is totally different from our context in Malaysia where we Over Eat! 😂

Sam is from Ghana.  Due to his interest in motivating people to eat, he has created a FB Page named Goodness of Life sharing pictures of food.

On the other hand,  I was proposing a topic related to Intermittent Fasting.

After three semesters of conducting research, this is the outcome, a dissertation titled “Design of Gamified Intermittent Fasting Mobile Application Prolong Use”.

The Abstract of Sam’s research can be found here : [Abstract]. He has also presented a paper at the 6th International Conference on Research and Innovation in Information Systems (2019). The paper is awaiting to be published this year by IEEE.

Congratulations Sam!

At DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, JB attending ICRIIS 2019. We were with the Keynote Speaker Prof. Dr Atreyi Kankanhali from NUS, Singapore
Sam with his hard bound dissertation (New UTM Thesis format).

Another PhD Graduate – Maryam Salahshour

Last few years, this lady met me to request change of Supervisor since her supervisor is trasferring from UTM Skudai to UTM Kuala Lumpur. She insisted that I become her supervisor, however I was reluctant since at that particular time I was really occupied and committed supervising other PhD and MSc students. As the PhD Information Systems program coordinator at that time, I proposed Dr Halina Mohamed Dahlan as her supevisor and I became the co-Supervisor.





Alhamdulillah, she had passed her viva in March 2016 and yesterday we met for me to sign on her thesis as a co-supervisor. Alhamdulillah, finally, the hard bound thesis were on the way to be submitted. She will be graduating soon during UTM Convocation Ceremony in October 2016. Congatulations Maryam! YOU DID IT!