This page is dedicated to THE TEAM, those who were the members of Research Computing Unit at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. I call them Team Kesayangan Hamba (My Beloved Team).

It was with them that, together we have developed the foundation and infrastructure of information systems for research management at UTM starting in 2015.
The team members, come and go, but the memories remain with us now the RC Family.
My deepest appreciation and thanks to these six amazing staff of UTM in the following photos (one of them Baidura in a separate photo. UTM is lucky to have them as valuable talents, that always give with and from their hearts. Not forgetting, Nani who have always been my very helpful, effective and efficient assistant (not in the picture). They are the Systems Analysts whom I called the ‘Team Leaders’.
With the quality of leadership that they own, they delegate the tasks to the team members with ‘rahmah’. This quality make the other team members follow with full will and enjoyment! Yes enjoyment. Everyone enjoys working, love his/her job.
No doubt each of them has different qualities, strengths and weaknesses. So they learn from each other and assist each other to ensure tasks are accomplished to their very best.

I am so glad, yes SO GLAD. They are now in various important units at UTM.
THE TEAM has developed core research information systems as follows:

The list of completed modules being developed at the end of December 2021 during my ‘hand over’ is as follows:
There is too much to tell about THE TEAM, let me share our moments together…