Assalamu’alaikum and Hi!
Course Synopsis
This course is taught by UTM UAVlab experts to develop a good understanding of the drone design process, parts installation, and testing in accordance with Malaysian aviation rules. It is suitable for new or experienced drone operators as well as university graduates who want to extend their theoretical knowledge and skills in building drones for various applications. The learning materials, including online learning and hands-on activities, will be presented in blending mode. The content of this course covers aircraft design processes, selection of propulsion systems, handling flight software, sensors installation, ground checks and flight tests.
How do you register and make the payment?
- There are 2 options to make the payment and enrol on the course platform.
- Option 1: Pay through the course platform using your credit card or online banking. To enrol in the platform and make the payment, refer to the guideline video provided here: https://youtu.be/sGbwE3DAUqk.
- Option 2: Pay through an invoice if you are a group of learners who are sponsored by your company or institution. The employer needs to email utm-mooc@utm.my the details of the learners (full name, email address, mobile phone number). All learners will be invited to enrol in the course through email.
What You Will Learn
- Design one selected drone, including its electronic component, propulsion system and airframe structures compliant with authorities.
- Construct your designed aircraft using an appropriate manufacturing technique and build processes.
- Demonstrate UAV piloting activities at different fight modes and applications at best practices.
Course Overview
This course consists of lecture notes, lecture videos, a learning module and an assessment.
Module 1: An introduction to the multirotor, flight controllers (Pixhawk 6c), its general components, and assembly installation.
Module 2: Installation of APM software (Mission planner), functional setup, and preliminary testing
Module 3: Execution of flight tests and flight performance analysis.
List of Hardware
- Frsky radio transmitter
- PX4 Development Kit – X500 v2 with 920kV motors
- Pixhawk 6c
- Lipo/ Lithium-ion battery
Course Mode: Face to Face (hardware will be provided ONLY for demonstration and T&L but not be owned)
Pre-Requisite Knowledge: None
Credit Hours: 40 hours
Link to join https://mooc.utm.my/courses/drone-technology/?cl=1
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