SKAA4823-MKAQ1043 Transportation Planning


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This course is one of the core courses, which discusses transport models and four steps travel demand forecasting process, land-use demographic survey design and transport planning related data collection, Trips regression and category analysis, growth factor methods, trip distribution models, logit and probit models, route choice models, Appraisal of transportation projects. Economic evaluation and priority ranking techniques, alternative analysis, Citizen participation in transport planning. This course provides an exhaustive knowledge in traffic and transport planning.


  • Discover the profession of transportation engineering, transportation systems & organizations and transportation planning process.
  • Design land-use demographic survey and determine methods for data collection in traffic and transport planning systems.
  • Predict travel demand and appraise traffic impact and cost benefit.
  • Categorize transportation systems management, public consultation and their participation.

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SKAA4823 – MKAQ1043-2016-2017 (I)

SKAA4823 – MKAQ1043-2016-2017 (II)

SKAA4823 – MKAQ1043-2017-2018 (I)