My Successful Story as Main Supervisor.

1. Alhamdulillah, We Received Best Postgraduate Student Graduated on Time (GOT) Award for PhD and Master by research.

2. Alhamdulillah, I managed to supervise as main supervisor, a total of 4 PhD and 2 Master student since 2014 -2021.  

3. Alhamdulillah, we published our research output in 13 numbers of ISI Journal, 17 Scopus and 24 others publications (Total 54).

Fourth PhD student (Mohamad Dinie Khalis Bin
Awalluddin). He graduated Master by Research in 2019 and continue his PhD program under my supervision since 2020.  

Third PhD student (Adeshina Adewale
Adewumi) passed his viva voce examination in Jun 2021.

Second PhD student (Abdeliazim Mustafa Mohamed) graduated in 2020.

First PhD student (Habeeb Lateef Muttashar Alzuabidi) graduated in 2018.

First Master by research student (Shafiq Bin Ishak) graduated in 2018. Currently he continue his PhD program in Hanyang University of Korea.