9 free apps that’ll help you reach (and keep) your New Year's resolutions

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Ready or not, the new year’s here. And if you’re like everyone else around you right now, you’re coming up with some pretty ambitious resolutions. That’s awesome. Also probably a little bit scary. Sure, it’s easy to say you’re going to get more organized — but how are you actually going to do that?

While I can’t volunteer to follow you around for the year to keep you on track (nor do I think you would want me to), I can introduce you to nine free apps that’ll provide you a few shortcuts and get you closer to accomplishing your goals.

1. If your resolution is to learn more

Build your knowledge in minutes a day with the Curiosity app. Watch hand-picked videos on five fascinating topics, or if you’re really pressed for time, just peek at the key facts and infographics to learn something new in seconds. Of course, this won’t replace a taking a class, but it will expand your horizons and make you feel much more informed and up-to-date. Read more…

More about Health, Apps, Finances, Mobile Apps, and Resolutions