New electric skateboard can be controlled with your iPhone

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LAS VEGAS — Best known for its wild powered roller skates, Acton is now entering the growing electric skateboard market and hoping to cruise to success on the strength of an iPhone-based remote control system.

The company’s new Blink-Board, which it unveiled here at CES 2016, is far smaller than many of the electric skateboards on the market today. While they’re modeled on so-called long boards, Acton’s Blink-Board, which is just 26.5 inches long, is designed to be more like tiny “Penny Boards.”

“It’s quite small so you can take it anywhere you want to go,” Peter Treadway, Acton’s CTO, told Mashable, adding that the board weighs 10 pounds, which might be just light enough to sling over your shoulder. It comes with a carrying strap for when you’re not riding it. Read more…

More about Tech, Gadgets, Mobile, Electric Skateboard, and Ces 2016