Where to go in 2016: Start making your travel plans for the new year now

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A few years ago, a study in the Netherlands found that people who took vacations were most happy before a trip, but no happier than non-vacationers after a trip. Anticipation, the researchers suggested, was what had the biggest effect on happiness.

With that in mind, why not start planning your next trip right now?

January is one of the busiest times for travel planning: A new year is a reminder of everything you want to do with your life: It’s all hope and possibilities as the clock strikes midnight. And “travel more” is one of the most popular resolutions each year. But unlike resolutions that actually require you to physically do something (like go to the gym), or accomplish some intangible goal (like living a fuller life), you can get the real benefits of a resolution to travel immediately. Read more…

More about Travel, Destinations, Lifestyle, Travel Leisure, and 2016 Destinations