You'll be able to call a self-driving car to pick you up, as Lyft and GM challenge Uber

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Lyft and Uber are in a race to boot drivers off the road

Lyft, the friendly ride-hailing competitor to Uber, announced Monday that it has entered into a strategic partnership with automotive giant General Motors to create a network of self-driving cars that can pick up and drop off passengers as Lyft’s fleet of drivers does today.

The bet, in short: more people may be willing to hail an occasional ride in a self-driving car than to actually buy one of these vehicles for themselves

“We see the future of personal mobility as connected, seamless and autonomous,” Dan Ammann, president of General Motors, said in a statement. “With GM and Lyft working together, we believe we can successfully implement this vision more rapidly.” Read more…

More about General Motors, Uber, Business, Startups, and Lyft