58 bodies recovered so far from Shenzhen landslide

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Rescuers have recovered 58 bodies from the landslide that occurred at a construction waste dump in Shenzhen more than two weeks ago.

The official Xinhua agency said on Wednesday that the Shenzhen city government has managed to identify 52 out of the 58 bodies. Last week, authorities put the total number missing at 77, but with the latest developments, that leaves 25 people remaining unaccounted for.

#Update: 58 deaths confirmed as of Wed in #shenzhenlandslide on Dec 20pic.twitter.com/mJ2LhXBv2h

— People’s Daily,China (@PDChina) January 6, 2016 Read more…

More about China, Shenzhen, Us World, Landslide, and Shenzhen Landslide

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