This December was the warmest in India in over 100 years

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According to the Indian Meteorogical Department (IMD), December 2015 was the hottest in India the last 115 years. The period between September and December 2015 was also the warmest since 1901, when IMD started recording data.

The mean temperature in December was 1.2 degree celsius above normal. It was preceded by been five hot Decembers in the last decade, in 2008, 2009, 2012 and 2006 respectively.

These above-normal temperatures are in accordance with global weather patterns. According to the meteorological experts, these high temperatures are due to global warming as well as the ongoing El Nino in the Pacific Ocean. “Because of global warming there is increased frequency of El Nino,” says Dr DS Pai, head of National Climate Centre, IMD. Read more…

More about India, Us World, Climate, and El Nino

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