Could 2016 be the year for Verizon's go90 mobile content platform?

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LOS ANGELES — Milo Ventimiglia has starred in Gilmore Girls, Heroes and a handful of other popular TV shows and movies. But in 2016, the actor is dropping his talents into your pocket

On Thursday, Ventimiglia joined Verizon’s mobile-first platform go90 and YouTube network StyleHaul at the Consumer Electronics Show to announce his new exclusively mobile original series Relationship Status.

SEE ALSO: StyleHaul partners with Go90 to create exclusive content for app

Available on go90 later this spring, the show — which Ventimiglia executive produced with James Frey — follows an “interweaving cast of 20-to-30 somethings in New York and Los Angeles as they navigate love and friendships all told through the lens of social storytelling optimized for mobile consumption.” Read more…

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