Wu-Tang's RZA doesn't regret selling album to pharma bro Martin Shkreli

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There might be one person who doesn’t hate Martin Shkreli.

RZA of the Wu-Tang Clan sat down with Bloomberg to chat about the despised pharma bro, who recently bought the only copy of the rap group’s one-of-a-kind album Once Upon a Time in Shaolin for $2 million. The rapper seems pretty diplomatic about the whole ordeal, saying it doesn’t bother him: “He bought it, he can do what he wants. Right?”

“I could never discriminate who appreciates art,” RZA says.

Shkreli, who still hasn’t listened to the album, apparently purchased it before the group became aware of his status as the most hated man in pharmaceuticals — which Shkreli earned after hiking up prices for an AIDS drug and recently getting arrested on other charges. Read more…

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