Roux the kitten is the cutest cat on two legs

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Meet Lil’ Bunny Sue Roux Hendrickson Deak Akey, more commonly known as Roux. She is a rescue cat, based in New Orleans, and the cutest little thing on two legs.

“Different, not less.”

A photo posted by Roux! (@lilbunnysueroux) on Nov 29, 2015 at 7:19pm PST

The parent of this wondrous creature is vet clinic employee Jackie Deak. She explained Roux’s condition in an interview with meowbox.

“[Roux] was born without [her front legs] due to a congenital abnormality, most likely due to a rare condition called transverse terminal hemimelia. Her X-rays show that her front legs stop at the humerus, the upper bone of the front leg. The vets at my clinic believe that she is not in pain. Her mobility is very good, and she is able to function quite well without front legs,” Deak said. Read more…

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