Fan-made 'Half-Life' game comes to Steam next month, with Valve's blessing

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Valve refuses to say anything about the prospect of a new Half-Life game, but it’s cool with letting fans make and sell their own creations. In certain cases, at least.

The latest example is Prospekt, a sequel to the 1999 Half-Life: Opposing Force expansion/spinoff, and it’s coming to Steam on Feb. 11. The earlier game followed U.S. Marine Corporal Adrian Shephard as he visited the Black Mesa Research Facility — the site of Gordon Freeman’s adventures in the original Half-Life — on a secret mission.

In Prospekt, Shephard heads to the Nova Prospekt prison — a location featured in Half-Life 2 — to help Freeman, who has been overrun by the enemy. It’s the first appearance from the Opposing Force hero since his debut. The new game plays out over 13 levels and will cost $9.99. Read more…

More about Entertainment, Gaming, Half Life, Valve Software, and Half Life 2