Please clap: A thorough guide to Jeb Bush's most awkward moments

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For Jeb Bush, the bar for awkward encounters is set pretty high. After all, his father once vomited in the lap of Japan’s prime minister and his brother, George W., well, where do we even start?

But, Jeb, oh, Jeb. We shouldn’t have underestimated you.

His campaign has been enigmatic from the get-go. On the one hand, there are times where he seems barely interested and would rather die than have to do another campaign rally. On the other, he showed fire whenever Donald Trump was around and he needed to defend the family honor.

As the campaign has dragged on, Jeb has gotten so desperate — either for a win or to just be put out of his misery — that the awkward moments are coming fast and furious. But don’t misunderstand: It’s been like that from the start. The weird moments are just really starting to pile up now. Read more…

More about Us World, Politics, Jeb Bush, Election 2016, and Jeb