Airbnb's Cuba listings can now be rented by everyone

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Airbnb’s expansion into Cuba is about to get bigger. 

Thanks to improving relations between Cuba and the U.S., Airbnb has received authorization from the U.S. Department of Treasury to expand its Cuba operations to include non-U.S. travelers. 

Almost exactly on year ago, Airbnb received permission to begin operating in Cuba, but was only able to connect U.S. guests with accommodations.

The news for Airbnb comes as relations between Cuba and the U.S. continue to improve.

President Barack Obama is just about to begin a three-day trip to Cuba. It will be the first time in 88 years that a U.S. president sets foot on Cuban soil. The trip is part of the reopening of diplomatic and economic relations between the two counties.  Read more…

More about Cuba, Airbnb, and Business

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