Watch the iPhone SE and 6S go head-to-head in durability tests

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We know that Apple’s iPhone SE has the guts of an iPhone 6S with the body of an iPhone 5S, but which one holds up better against the elements?

Phone warranty company SquareTrade put the SE through a series of tests to see how well it fares when dropped on the ground and dunked underwater.

While the iPhone SE can stand toe-to-toe with the 6S performance-wise, it falls to its predecessor in durability tests.

The first test, as shown in the video above, put the iPhones (an iPhone SE, 6 and 6S) in a deep-water dunk test. The 6S lasted a half hour and only lost audio, while the 6S Plus died around 10 minutes. The SE bricked in less than a minute. Not a good start for the iPhone SE. Read more…

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