Louis C.K. cancels indie money pit 'Horace and Pete'

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After 10 episodes, Louis C.K. has cancelled his self-made show, Horace and Pete.

The actor, comedian and director launched the series without warning or pre-promotion at the end of January via email blast — a technique that might have worked for a standup special, but clearly didn’t work for a costly TV show. Err, web series. 

The show, which was only available on on C.K’s website, starred Louis C.K., as well as other popular comedians such as Steve Buscemi, Aidy Bryant and Edie Falco.

On Friday, C.K. appeared on Howard Stern’s show and admitted that he is now millions in debt after dumping his own money into the project. Read more…

More about Television, Louic Ck, Horace And Pete, and Entertainment