Aussies warned to keep drones away from ANZAC Day celebrations

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Keep your drones at home, folks.

Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority is warning punters to keep their flying toys away from crowds during the country’s ANZAC Day celebrations Monday.

The memorial day for all those who served in war, held each year on April 25, marks the date Australian troops landed at Gallipoli, Turkey in 1915 during World War I. Parades and fly pasts by military planes are aways a feature, and to keep everyone safe, CASA would prefer drone incidents not be a part of the day.

“What people are trying to do of course is get good pictures of the Anzac Day events, and that’s understandable but they’ve got to understand there are some risks,” CASA spokesperson Peter Gibson told ABC NewsRead more…

More about Anzac Day, Drones, Australia, and Tech