6 lemonade recipes to quench your Beyoncé thirst

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Last week, Beyoncé blessed the world with a new visual album, Lemonade. 

On top of that, she also shared an actual family recipe for lemonade. Naturally, hearing that recipe might make one a little thirsty. 

The next time you kick back to listen, or watch to the excellent album, take a sip from one of these creative lemonade recipes. From the Beyoncé-approved recipe, to honey-sweetened methods, here are six types of lemonade worth trying out. 

1. The actual Lemonade recipe

First and foremost, here’s the lemonade recipe Beyoncé shared in the visual album. You’ll need water, lots of sugar and 8 and a half lemons. Here’s how the queen herself explains it.  Read more…

More about Music, Lemonade, Food, Beyonce, and Entertainment