Why my friends wish me Happy Mother's Day but I'm not yet a mom

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From a very early age I knew I wanted to be two things in life: Oprah and a mommy. 

I am my group’s “Mom Friend.” I to protect, love and inspire my friends. I am the one who reminds us what temperature it’s going to be when we go out; I ask how their midterm studies are coming; and I have showed up post-breakup with ice cream and pedicure supplies many times.

In fact, I’ve been conditioned to be “the mom” of my friend group my whole life. 

I believe this aspect of my personality came from two parts of my life that were established early: Being the eldest of three children I always an established sense of responsibility and care. And I’ve always had the “mom look” (not a fair description but one nonetheless).  Read more…

More about Mother S Day, Mom Friend, and Lifestyle