44 books on 44 presidents: The man who divided the GOP

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Editor’s note: This is the nineteenth entry in the writer’s year-long project to read one book about each of the U.S. Presidents by Election Day 2016. You can also follow Marcus’ progress at the @44in52 Twitter account and with this 44 in 52 Spreadsheet.

See if any of these circumstances sound familiar:

A Republican party at war with itself. An election so close that it comes down to a small group determining the validity of ballots in a southern state. A president who finds his attempts at reform bogged down by opposition in Congress.

We’re not talking 2016, but 1876. All this proves two things: 1) President Rutherford B. Hayes was ahead of his time, and 2) time is a flat circle. Read more…

More about Rutherford B. Hayes, 44 In 52, Entertainment, Mashreads, and History