Graphic novel of the week: Should you follow 'Unfollow'?

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It’s the most intriguing idea for a contemporary comic book series I’ve seen in a long time: A dying social media billionaire flies 140 random users (140 characters, get it?) to his private island. 

He tells his guests he’s dividing up his $18 billion fortune between them — but if any of them should die, everyone’s share of the pie (dispensed monthly in slices of $100,000 and up) will grow larger. And one user just happened to bring a bag full of guns. 

That’s the premise of Unfollow, a Vertigo comic series that launched late last year. The first graphic novel, which collects issues one through six, releases next week. So compelling is this concept that a TV development deal was announced almost as soon as the first issue hit the shelves.  Read more…

More about Graphic Novel Of The Week, Graphic Novels, Comics, Entertainment, and Mashreads

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