Google made I/O fun again, but is that enough?

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For the first time in years, Google I/O was fun to watch.

But while Google put on quite the show in a new outdoor venue, we were left wondering if the company did enough to gain on its competitors.

This week on MashTalk, we break down all the big news Google announced at its annual keynote, including Google Assistant, Google Allo and Google Home (25:00). Plus, Pete Pachal, Mashable‘s Tech Editor, calls in from Mountain View to give us his perspective on the event.

Listen to the episode on iTunes or on Stitcher. You can also subscribe to MashTalk on iTunes by clicking the button below to get our latest episodes, instantly. If you like MashTalk, please fill out our audience survey. Read more…

More about Allo, Google Assistant, Google Home, Tech, and Google Io 2016