eBay does not want to be a lesser version of Amazon

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Remember eBay? It’s no longer just the auction site or a destination for other people’s used stuff. It’s a commerce destination with more than 100 million users that, according to eBay CEO Devin Wenig, moves $90B of products per year.

It’s also not necessarily the Amazon competitor people make it out to be.

“Used goods is a small and declining minority of what we do,” said Wenig, who was speaking at the annual Code Conference on Thursday.

The eBay CEO sought repeatedly to paint a clear distinction between his company and the world’s largest online retailer. Wenig noted that eBay is not the place you go to get a printer cartridge delivered in a day. Instead, you might shop eBay to get that iPhone 6s for your daughter while you buy a brand new iPhone 7 elsewhere Read more…

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