How an Indian home remedy became the newest alternative to coffee

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Cafes across the world are offering a new, healthier alternative to coffee. The rise of turmeric latte or golden milk, a blend of the the juiced root of the Indian spice with almond and cashew milk, has happened along with a discovery of the health benefits of turmeric.

In terms of taste, turmeric lattes have little in common with their caffeinated counterparts, as turmeric is known for its medicinal taste. Its popularity as a global health fad was announced by The Guardian, which called it 2016’s drink of choice. Turmeric lattes are now being offered in cafes in London, Sydney and San Franscisco, with numerous recipes, Instagram and Pinterest posts. A Google report on food trends in the US indicates that search for the spice had risen by 300% in the last five years. Read more…

More about Health, India, Coffee, Lifestyle, and Food