What I learned from a ‘Snapchat affair’ with an old flame

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After breaking up over four years ago, I recently began Snapchatting my ex-boyfriend, Matt.

Despite living mere subway stops apart for the past year, I hadn’t seen him in almost three years; that last time, we slept together.

But with so much time passed, “snapping” Matt felt harmless. After all, he was my “first love” — first everything, really — so totally losing him from my life always felt a little unnecessary and empty. We’d been such compatible friends—why should that end?

Through Snapchat, it was fun to see snippets of his life— his attempts at home-cooking, office pups and neighborhood art — and to share flashes of mine. To know he was happy, cliché as it sounds, made me happy, too. Read more…

More about Lifestyle, Online Dating, Mobile, Dating, and Snapchat

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