Photo reveals that even Mark Zuckerberg puts tape over his webcam

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Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg has been increasingly willing to share moments from his family and work life.

But a photo he posted on Tuesday, intended to promote Instagram’s user milestone numbers, may have ended up revealing a little more about Zuckerberg than he intended: Dude hasn’t lost any of his hacker caution when it comes to protecting his privacy. 

A couple of eagle-eyed observers pointed out that the laptop on Zuckerberg’s desk not only has tape covering the webcam, but there’s also tape covering the Apple laptop’s dual microphones. That’s right, even one of the most elite (and richest) coders on the planet still takes rudimentary measures to ensure that nobody is spying on him.  Read more…

More about Privacy, Webcam, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook, and Tech