6 important lessons from children's books worth rediscovering as an adult

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Children’s books aren’t just pretty pictures and silly stories about animals — they can also be timeless tales that are inspiring, insightful and oh so wise

From the importance of sharing and the power of love to realizing your potential, the lessons in these books aren’t just for kids. They’re for the kids in us all.

Take a cue from these six books and discover how you can apply their messages to your own life.

Lesson #1 – We must take care of the planet

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”

The Lorax, Dr. Seuss

This cautionary tale from Dr. Seuss, whose pantheon of children’s literature has served as a source of wisdom and entertainment for nearly 80 years, tells the story of a man who cuts down all the trees in town to build his empire, forcing the local fauna to flee in the process. The Lorax tries to warn him, defending the trees and the birds and the bees, but the man is too concerned with the bottom line. Unless… can he reverse the damage he’s done? We hope so. Read more…

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